Bill Gates Admits to Cellphone Leadership Mistakes

We didn’t miss cellphones, but the way that we went about it didn’t allow us to get the leadership. It’s clearly a mistake,” Gates, Microsoft’s former CEO, said in a rare interview with CBS.

I never got the Zune phone. Some says it’s a great phones, I just didn’t have the savvy feel for it. I experienced Windows Phone used in my Programming class for our group project. It’s a great phone I just didn’t have the savvy feel for it.

I got my first Android phone last year 2012 from Verizon and few months later the iPhone, then few months later the iPad 2 from Radio Shack. 2012 I came into the smart phone, Mobile year for me. Just what I been waiting for since I go my first computer in 1995, my first laptop in 2000, my first smart phone in 2012.

European Union May Fine Google 1 Billion for Privacy Policies

Privacy laws to protect us from prying eyes is great news. We live in a different world now and criminals will look for new ways to make dishonest money or wreck people computers or company. So hopefully these fines will cut down on unethical social networking activities.
Google says they have since added the changes to its privacy polices so these laws do good.

Yahoo Teams Up With Facebook

Yahoo use to be the best search engine out until Google dethroned them. Yahoo has lagged for years in Google shadow even before becoming search engine king. I switched from Yahoo because I like how Google got you where you wanted quicker while many around me continued to say Yahoo better than google. I suppose what I search for was different from what they looked for.

I still use Yahoo homepage. I’m looking forward to seeing its new Facebook features.

* Will import data on Facebook users, such as shared content

* Changes to be rolled out over coming days

* Can this makeover can win back Web audience?

By Nicola Leske

Feb 20 (Reuter) – Yahoo Inc is overhauling its website to incorporate features familiar to Facebook users such as a newsfeed and people’s “likes,” in CEO Marissa Mayer’s biggest product revamp since taking the helm of the ailing company last year.

iOS 6.1.2 Upgrade Today

I upgraded my iPad 2 today to iOS 6.1.2. I look forward to every upgrade to my iPad. But today was different. I already don’t like the new version because this version has bug fixes for Exchange Calendar that increase network activity, but decrease battery life.

Now, I like my 10 hour iPad resources. I can listen to my music, play games without worrying about low battery before returning home from my days routine. I’m looking forward to the next update that gives me back my 10 hours battery life on my iPad 2.

I need a bigger iPad than my 16GB. I have what I consider essential apps and I wonder if its possible to add memory to iPads like we do to laptops and desktops..I would think not at this time, but i think it would be a good thing.