Bipolar Screening


Bipolar Test

About the test: Although this quiz is not designed to test for bipolar disorder, it can help you to become familiar with the symptoms of a mania so you can decide if you may need to seek help from a mental health professional for this condition. If you experience episodes of depression alternating with manic episodes, this is characteristic of bipolar disorder. To take the test, click on the radio button for the option that applies to you. Then, click the button to move forward to the next question. When you have completed all the questions, you will receive your score.

These tests are good to help you understand your condition if you have it. I took an Alzheimer’s Evaluation test online like this one when I was forty-four. I was an entrepreneur driving as sales represent for different company like Avon and selling my creative crafts from my florist company.

One day I realized I couldn’t remember how to get around town and my family wasn’t listening to my complaints. They would complain about me passing the turns, going the long, round about way to get to my destination. I would ask them to help me remember how to get where we were going, they wouldn’t. I came to realized they were believing I was just putting for attention.

From then on I decided to go online because also doctors weren’t taking me seriously. Family and friends were giving me a hard time about being self-centered. If I had not taken care of me I’m sure I would not be here today.

that went I found the Alzheimer’s Evaluation test online. I fail the test so bad I convinced I had Alzheimer. I read what I needed to do support my brain cells. That’s when I decided to registered for college and learn something new, I chose computers. Eight years later, I’m keeping my mind busy online designing and blogging websites, joining and learning social-networking sites. Learning everything to know about technology.

I retook the Alzheimer’s Evaluation test in 2012 and is happy to know, I remember better but, still have some dementia issues, but not nearly as bad as 8 years ago. The test is not like going to doctor and getting treatment but, it is better than doing nothing at all to find out later your life expectancy is shorter, you need more medicine than you medicine cabinet can shelve. I go to doctor when I can, eat healthy meals, take drink herbs teas and put seasoning in my food, to help me along.

Here’s a link to the Bipolar Screening