Official Rules – AARP Foundation 2014 Calendar Contest – Photography – Your B…


mother baby and daddy cow

Birth of a new calf and its parents

Official Rules – AARP Foundation 2014 Calendar Contest – Photography – Your B….

I entered a second picture of a new born calf following its mommy seconds after dropping with. The umbilici cord dragging behind and father not too far behind.

A Canadian’s View On Our Disrespect Of President Obama’s Presidency

The Fifth Column

America – He’s Your President for Goodness Sake!

By William Thomas

There was a time not so long ago when Americans, regardless of their political stripes, rallied round their president. Once elected, the man who won the White House was no longer viewed as a republican or democrat, but the President of the United States. The oath of office was taken, the wagons were circled around the country’s borders and it was America versus the rest of the world with the president of all the people at the helm.

Suddenly President Barack Obama, with the potential to become an exceptional president has become the glaring exception to that unwritten, patriotic rule.

Four days before President Obama’s inauguration, before he officially took charge of the American government, Rush Limbaugh boasted publicly that he hoped the president would fail. Of course, when the president fails the country flounders. Wishing harm upon…

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WATCH: 16-YEAR-OLD Opens World’s First Sneaker Pawn Shop

Brilliant idea

93.1 WZAK


Meet Chase Reed, a 16-year-old sneaker enthusiast from Harlem who just opened the world’s first sneaker pawn shop. NewsOne sat down with Chase to learn how he turned his love for shoes into a burgeoning business. Watch him tell his amazing story. Read more of Chase’s story.


Article Courtesy of The Urban Daily and News One

Picture and Video Courtesy of News One

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Incredible photos and video of world’s longest dreadlocks that are longer than a BUS

Longest black dreads in the world.

Incredible photos and video of world's longest dreadlocks that are longer than a BUS.

The first thing came to my mind was Black Repunzel. Her dread locked hair is more than fifty feet long. All natural. I considered dread lock. I even had my hair dreaded a few times, but couldn’t stick with it. I can’t see having that much hair hurting my neck and back.
I stuck with my natural hair braiding and twisting it cost a lot of money to keep it straight.

If I could have been successful 20 some years ago as a entrepreneur selling products designed for black hair in my community I would not have jump ship from straighteners and weaves so completely. I thought why should I be shut out of a business profiting from products that depend on me changing the texture of my hair. I figure if I can’t put money in my bank account as a retailer I’ll save what I can by spending less to fix my hair on things that make complete. I’m saying it’s my hair, so I get to decide who get successful making money on how I style my hair.

Plus anything more than natural products is damaging to my spunky natural hair. Some call it it nappy, peasy, knotty, but it just plain old spongy to me.
I believe being who you are, appreciating who you are, and accepting the features you were born with as natural beauty. It reflects who you are inside.

When your inner beauty can show, its more appealing and makes you transparent as individual.
I am comfortable in my skin and hair as a black woman of color.