Misconceptions about Seasonal Influenza


Misconceptions about Seasonal Influenza and Influenza Vaccines
Questions & Answers

I’m still not convince flu shots is better thanks herbs, healthy nutritious foods exercise and all the healthy nits and bolts.
This years hospitals full with people sick and dying from flu was kinda startling. Me, my grands, and daughters all got sick with flu symptoms. I’m still since October 2012 coughing like crazy, so much so my pelvic slips out-of-place and hurts. My chest hurts also coughing, sometimes especially today, ball up in a fetal position coughing. We could not be seen by a doctor or hospital. We had no choice but to figure it out at home. Something is causing all this flu misery that worsen every year.

Center for Disease Control Prevention

Hip Hop Therapy WorldWide


This is my son New website. I follow everything he does. Check it out. I like it’s designed. I’ve posted two blog post. I plan to upload some pictures. The site is a new fresh social networking site like Facebook with its interactivity. I’m not into all Hip Hop Music, but I do relate to the culture at same time reject negative aspect of it.

This site has the potential to be big. Hip Hop Therapy WorldWide

BlackBerry New Platform Launches

Looks like the BlackBerry is coming back strong. It seem Microsoft is bringing the blackberry into their home. I never cared for the blackberry simply because of its keyboard is too small, but the BlackBerry Z10 is way different and more like the other smartphone. I still don’t get the feel for it, but would like to at least play with it a little to get a some kind of feel. The BlackBerry was the top phone for business back in day when I couldn’t afford a smartphone. The cheaper flip phones with its annoying mobile web was all phone I knew. I got my first smartphone, that wasn’t considered a real smartphone, was my day-view into the world of cellular data.

I have since experience real smartphones like the Android and iOS platform for the first time last year 2012 when I bought my first Android phone May 2012, iPhone in June 2012, and iPad August 2012. I love every moment learning all these platforms. Before last year everything I did was first on a desktop, then I upgrades to a laptop, now I’m totally focused on developing mobile devices.

I may get the BlackBerry Z10 and play with its new RIM platform. I don’t know yet, I’m still fascinated with the iPad, iPhone iOS, MAC operating system and all the new technology surrounding it. I haven’t played with Mac Computer yet so, I’m still trying to figure out how to afford one of them. Meanwhile, I’m still fascinated with Microsoft Surface Tablet/PC. Decisions, decisions and no money.

I gotta get a laptop ASAP because my old HP laptop is gone to the Computer Repairs man for $15. It was still good. I didn’t feel like repairing it because I want a new one haha. The Mac Air, yes, I”ll enjoy figuring out that system, updating, upgrading like I did on my desktops, laptops, smartphones, now my iPad. I’m looking to sell my iPad 2 for a bigger one. I’ve out grown my 16 GB. I hope to get a 64 GB with my portion of income tax money if things work out.

BlackBerry Z10 with New RIM Platform launched and I want to learn more about this platform. Read more about at Digital Trends.

When To Get Your Eyes Checked

20130131-010507.jpgI was in my early thirties when I notice my eyes were getting worse. I was tested early for glaucoma in my early forties before losing any sight, the doctor told me. At age 52 I’m holding hoping both eyes last until I’m gone lol. At the AAO recommend you get your eyes checked at different stages.

Here’s what the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) recommends for each stage of life:

Baby and Toddler Time: It’s easy for vision problems to go undetected in very young children, so their eyes should be examined by a pediatrician during regular checkups. Once a child turns 3 years old, she can have her vision tested, too. And always alert the doctor if you notice any abnormalities, like droopy eyelids, crossed eyes, or a lazy eye.

Childhood and Teenage Years: Kids and teenagers between the ages of 3 and 19 should have their eyes checked by the family doctor at least once every 2 years during regular checkups. (Learn more about kids’ vision and eye health.)

Young Adult Era: Aim to get at least one complete eye exam between the ages of 20 and 29, and at least two complete screenings between the ages of 30 and 39.

Forty-Plus Period: All adults should get a baseline screening for eye disease by age 40, regardless of whether any symptoms or risk factors for eye problems are present. The AAO chose this age because it represents the time when age-related changes in vision and the earliest signs of eye diseases can be detected. Super important because catching and treating problems like glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy early can help minimize vision loss. And because the eyes can be a window into overall health, a thorough eye exam may also unearth other problems that can rear up at this age, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. How often you get follow-up screenings will depend on your test results, medical conditions, and other factors, such as your eye-health history.

Seniors and Beyond: Seniors 65 and older should have their eyes examined every 1 to 2 years to screen for common later-in-life vision problems like cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration. Regardless of when your next scheduled appointment is, always promptly see your eye doctor if you experience any eye pain or changes in your vision, see spots or flashes of light, or suffer from chronically dry or irritated eyes. (Parched peepers? Get advice here on what to do.)